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Hi everyone

Last Wednesday, KCL Tech hosted their much-anticipated First Year Hack (FYH) for first-year students.

The day kicked off with an engaging introduction from KCL Tech and Enactus, where project ideas were presented to the teams. Once projects were selected, teams dived into action, either coding applications or creating proof-of-concept representations in Figma. 

With a ready supply of snacks and delicious pizza for lunch, the atmosphere remained supportive throughout, with plenty of questions being asked. 

In the afternoon, Preface delivered a presentation on pitching skills, well-received by all. Three teams bravely stepped up to do live pitches at the end of the day, leading to the announcement of a winning team.

A huge thank you to everyone who participated! We hope you had an amazing time. Special congratulations to the winning team!

Stay tuned for more exciting collaborations and events!

Until next time :)

Ashwina Kalanathan
(Blog Manager)

Liked by: 17

Hi everyone! 

I'm excited to share with you a fantastic event that took place last Wednesday, where KCL Tech, alongside other societies, had the privilege of showcasing hands-on demonstrations to 50 sixth form and college students.

Partnering with RIE and the team lead, Jun (Dimitri) Zhang, who organised the SGL project featuring an AI robot, we had the opportunity to present this innovative project to the students. 

During the event, students were able to control the robot, causing it to move and even shoot a bullet at a target we set up. It was truly remarkable to see the students engage with the demonstration, employing tactics to aim the bullet perfectly at the bullseye. 

The enthusiasm displayed by the students was inspiring, with many expressing interest in pursuing computing or engineering for their future endeavors. It was incredibly rewarding to witness the impact we were able to make through this event. 

A special thank you goes out to our dedicated KCL Tech stall holders: Dimitri, Minseok Ryu, and Neel Nair. I personally had the pleasure of learning from their expertise, and I'm grateful for their contributions to making this event a success. I also want to extend my gratitude to everyone who worked on the AI robot. Their hard work and dedication were instrumental in the success of this event. 

Looking forward to more impactful events in the future! 

Until next time :)

Ashwina Kalanathan
(Blog Manager)

Liked by: 45

Bloomberg BPuzzled Event Recap

Hi everyone! Welcome back to the latest update from KCL Tech. On 25/01/24, we hosted a phenomenal event in collaboration with Bloomberg called 'BPuzzled'. It was fantastic to see so many of you there! 

Let's hear directly from some of our participants about their experience:

Ekaterina Hunter: "Participating in the KCL Tech Bloomberg BPuzzled event was an incredible experience! The puzzles, designed in the style of an escape room, offered a delightful blend of challenge and fun when tackled in teams. The environment was both competitive and supportive, and the three-hour experience was topped off with much deserved pizza."

Shayna Gail A. Velasquez, DipLCM: "Thursday’s BPuzzled event with Bloomberg was incredibly enjoyable and engaging. The vibrant atmosphere created a buzz, making it undoubtedly one of KCL Tech's standout events this year. I had an absolutely wonderful time."

The event was a hit, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to Bloomberg for this wonderful opportunity!

If you attended the event, we'd love to hear about your experience! Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

Also, a big congratulations to everyone who participated, and let's give a special shoutout to our winners! 

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting events coming your way with KCL Tech! 

Until next time :)

Ashwina Kalanathan
(Blog Manager)

Liked by: 15

KCL Tech Event Recap: Terra API Workshop 

Welcome back, tech enthusiasts! Last week, KCL Tech had the privilege of working with Terra (YC W21) for an unforgettable workshop experience. 

During the workshop, all attendees were granted access to connect with Terra API, opening up the opportunity for apps to seamlessly connect with wearables. 

What made the session truly remarkable was the generosity of the Terra (YC W21) engineer hosting the event. Attendees were given permission to access his sleep data collected by his Garmin watch. This unique twist allowed for a creative exploration of the data by the participants.

The results were nothing short of incredible! Attendees showcased a diverse range of projects, with the majority opting to craft informative and user-friendly graphs and tables. This not only demonstrated technical prowess but also provided users with valuable insights derived from the data.

A heartfelt thank you to Terra (YC W21) for their collaboration, and a special shoutout to all the brilliant attendees who made this workshop a success! 

Stay tuned for more exciting events and collaborations on the horizon with KCL Tech!

Until next time :)

Ashwina Kalanathan
(Blog Manager)

Liked by: 1

Exploring the Dynamic Realm of Game Development

Unique Aspects of Game Development:

o	Creative Fusion of Art and Technology: Game development blends artistic creativity with technical expertise, requiring a harmonious collaboration between artists, designers, and programmers.
o	Iterative Process: Game development often involves an iterative process, where developers continuously refine and improve the game based on testing and player feedback.
o	Interactive Storytelling: Unlike traditional media, games offer interactive storytelling, allowing players to shape the narrative and make choices that impact the game world.

Hardships in Game Development:

o	Resource Intensity: Game development demands significant resources, including time, money, and skilled professionals, making it a challenging endeavor for independent developers.
o	Technical Challenges: Developers face complex technical challenges, such as optimizing performance, handling diverse hardware configurations, and ensuring a smooth gaming experience across different platforms.
o	Market Saturation: The gaming market is highly competitive, and standing out among the multitude of available games requires innovative ideas, marketing strategies, and sometimes a bit of luck.

Big Players in the Game Development Industry:

o	Electronic Arts (EA): Known for franchises like FIFA, Madden NFL, and Battlefield, EA is a major player in the AAA gaming industry.
o	Activision Blizzard: Famous for games like Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Overwatch, Activision Blizzard is a powerhouse in both console and PC gaming.
o	Ubisoft: A French multinational game publisher, Ubisoft is recognized for franchises like Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, and Rainbow Six.

Financial Aspects of the Gaming Industry:

-	The gaming industry surpasses the film and music industries in terms of revenue, with blockbuster games often rivalling Hollywood productions in budget and profit.
-	Microtransactions, downloadable content (DLC), and in-game purchases contribute significantly to revenue, evolving the traditional business model.

Graphics Card Industry:

-	The gaming industry is closely tied to the graphics card industry, with companies like NVIDIA and AMD producing high-performance GPUs to meet the demands of modern games.
-	Advances in graphics card technology contribute to improved game visuals, virtual reality experiences, and support for high-refresh-rate monitors.

Monitor Industry and Gaming:

-	High-refresh-rate monitors, such as 144Hz or 240Hz, enhance the gaming experience by providing smoother motion and reduced input lag.
-	The rise of ultra-wide and curved monitors offers immersive gaming environments, complementing the trend towards more cinematic and expansive game design.

Useful Links:
Write your own blog:

Neel Suroop Nair
(Head of Gaming Specialism)

Liked by: 8

Welcome to KCL Tech's HealthTech Specialism!

In our tech-driven world, our HealthTech realm is like a bustling hub where innovation meets caring for patients.

HealthTech is this fantastic fusion of technology and healthcare. It's not just changing things; it's revolutionising everything from electronic health records to AI-powered diagnoses, promising huge leaps forward in medicine.

At the heart of HealthTech, it's all about teamwork. We bring together brilliant minds from computer science, data analytics, medicine, and engineering. It's like a big playground where ideas collide, sparking creativity and working together in exciting ways.

Sure, HealthTech has its challenges—ethical dilemmas, making sure everyone gets fair access—but hidden within those challenges are chances to grow, learn, and really make a difference.

Join our vibrant community passionate about using technology for healthcare. Whether you're a pro in the field or just getting started, KCLTech's HealthTech team is open to everyone, no matter your background or expertise.

Come with us on this journey into the future of healthcare tech. KCLTech's HealthTech invites you to explore new paths, dream up innovative solutions, and be part of transforming healthcare.

Explore. Innovate. Transform. Welcome to KCLTech's HealthTech Specialism.

Useful Info:

o	Join us and @kingsmedtech @kclbsa for 'Beyond Devices’ - a captivating HealthTech screening followed with networking ????
o	Date: Wed 29 Nov 
o	Time: 1:30-3:30 
o	Venue: BH SE AR E
o	Huzzle Link:

Write your own blog:

Shakib Chowdhury
(Head of HealthTech Specialism)

Liked by: 10

The Smart Way To Learn: Using ChatGPT

Welcome! In this blog, we'll explore five valuable ways ChatGPT can assist you in your education, ensuring a safe and effective learning experience:

Tip 1: Understand Complex Concepts 

Struggling to grasp a difficult concept? ChatGPT can be your helpful tutor! If you need help with understanding complex concepts, simply ask ChatGPT to explain it in a more accessible way. However, always remember to cross-reference the explanations with reliable sources like lecture slides and textbooks to validate the accuracy of the information.

Tip 2: Seek Practical Examples 

Sometimes, theoretical knowledge can feel abstract without real-world applications. When researching a topic, don't hesitate to ask ChatGPT for practical examples. These examples can bridge the gap between theory and practice, making the subject more relatable and understandable.

Tip 3: Generate Additional Practice Questions 

Have you already done all the practice questions provided for a particular topic? Well, ChatGPT can help you by generating more similar questions based on the ones you already have. By tackling these additional questions, you can reinforce your understanding and improve your skills. You can then ask for the answer once you have completed the list of questions that ChatGPT has given you.

Tip 4: Create Custom Mock Papers 

Preparing for an exam or test? You can use GPT-4 to your advantage! Provide the content you want to be tested on, and GPT-4 can generate a whole mock paper for you. This personalised practice can be an excellent way to assess your knowledge and identify areas that need further attention.

Note: You will need to pay some money to use GPT-4, but if it feels like it’s worth it then by all means purchase it

Tip 5: Collaborate on Learning Projects 

Education is often more engaging and effective when shared with others. ChatGPT can facilitate collaborative learning by helping you brainstorm ideas, refine projects, or even simulate discussions with virtual peers. 

With these 5 top tips you can make your learning experience a lot easier no matter what degree you do!

Until next time :)

Useful Links:

Write your own blog:

Liked by: 6

Event Recap: KCL Tech & UCL Engineering Society 3D Printing Workshop

On November 15th, KCL Tech partnered with the UCL Engineering Society to host a collaborative 3D printing workshop aimed at bringing together students from both KCL and UCL.

The workshop kicked off with an introduction to the world of 3D printing, showcasing a range of FDM 3D printers available in the lab: the Flsun QQS, Ender 3 neo, Anet A8, and the Wasp. Students received a hands-on tutorial on the basics of handling these printers.

Following the introduction, attendees delved into Thingiverse, a platform abundant with diverse 3D models. With 10 minutes to explore, students selected models spanning from adorable animals to intricate jewellery and characters from their favourite shows!

The focus then shifted to a tutorial on Ultimaker Cura, a slicing software crucial for translating 3D models into printer instructions. Attendees were guided through the software's interface, learning to integrate new printers and optimise vital settings such as infill, support addition, and build plate adhesion.

Once the models were sliced and ready, the printing began! Students eagerly observed their creations materialising layer by layer, sharing the experience and conversations as they gathered around the printers.

As prints completed, attention turned to the careful removal of prints from the build plate. Attendees were guided through post-print processes, including support removal and refining prints for a polished finish.

The workshop didn’t just impart technical know-how; it served as a social catalyst, fostering collaboration, shared experiences, and creativity among UCL and KCL students. It was an opportunity for diverse individuals to collaborate, learn, and depart with not just newfound 3D printing skills but also their personalised 3D printed models.

Overall, this was an incredible event! We hope to see more of you next time!

Head of Engineering Specialism,
Ra'ad Kawasme

Liked by: 3

How to Land Your Dream Tech Job: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hi everyone! Today, we're diving into a practical guide to help you navigate your way into that coveted tech job. Whether you're a newbie in your first or second year of uni or a seasoned penultimate year student, we've got you covered.

Getting Started: First and Second Years
•	Insight Days: Early on, participate in insight programs. These opportunities are fantastic for dipping your toes into the tech world. They provide valuable experience to add to your CV.

Penultimate Year: The Time to Shine
•	Internship Hunt: Your penultimate year is prime time to snag an internship. Many applications open well in advance, so get cracking to ensure you don't miss out on exciting opportunities.

Cracking the Internship Code

Step 1: Building Your CV
o	Begin by bulking up your CV. Don't be afraid to showcase diverse experiences, even if they're not directly tech related. This might include part-time jobs, insight days or projects outside of your coursework. Highlight your uniqueness through hobbies and interests. The key here is brevity; aim to keep your CV to a single page.

Step 2: Online Application Forms
o	Get ready for the tedious yet essential part - filling out those online applications. While it may seem dull at first, it gets easier with practice. Expect to attach your CV and potentially answer job-specific questions.

Step 3: Online Testing
o	You might face technical questions on platforms like HackerRank, especially if you're eyeing a software developer role. For other positions, be prepared for situational judgment tests or numerical assessments.

Step 4: Virtual Interviews
o	Once you've cleared the online hurdles, brace yourself for virtual interviews. These could be live video calls or pre-recorded video submissions through platforms like HireVue.

Step 5: Assessment Centres and Final Interviews
o	If you've made it this far, congratulations! You may be invited to an assessment centre or another final interview. This is your last step before landing that internship.

Step 6: Offer
o	At this point you can decide to accept the offer of the internship or reject it if you have another internship offer that you would rather do.

Don't Be Discouraged
•	Rejection is a part of the process. Don't let it discourage you. Apply to multiple companies and learn from each experience. Keep pushing forward and remember there are countless opportunities out there.

An Alternative Path
•	If you haven't secured an internship, don't fret. Consider working on your own project during the summer after your second year. Build an app or pursue any tech-related venture, documenting your progress on platforms like GitHub. This hands-on experience is highly valuable to potential employers.

More Opportunities
•	Explore options like KURF (King's Undergraduate Research Fellowship) to delve deep into a subject of interest, adding another layer of experience to your portfolio.

Breaking into the tech industry may seem daunting, but with persistence and continuous learning, you can make it happen. Keep your head up, apply widely, and don't give up. Your dream tech job is within reach.

Until next time :)

Useful Links:

-	Huzzle:

-	Gradcracker:

-	Brightnetwork:

-	Targetjobs:

-	King’s CareerConnect:¤tUserLocale=en_GB

-	Write your own blog:

Ashwina Kalanathan
(Blog Manager)

Liked by: 12

Exploring Artificial Intelligence

What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence, often referred to as AI, is a fascinating field that seeks to create intelligent machines, particularly intelligent computer programs. In the words of the founding father of AI, Alan Turing, it is "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines." Essentially, AI aims to develop machines that can think like humans and emulate their actions.

AI applications are diverse and can be found in various aspects of our daily lives. Some examples include search engines like Google, self-driving vehicles, facial recognition technology, and personalised recommendations on platforms such as Netflix and Spotify.

Why Study/Work in AI – The Skill of the Century
There are compelling reasons to consider a career in AI. This technology has a far-reaching influence across numerous industries. By studying or working in AI, you can:

o	Spark creativity and innovation, as AI often requires thinking outside the box.
o	Develop digital literacy and critical thinking skills.
o	Prepare for future academic and career success.
o	Gain valuable insights more quickly.
o	Enhance your daily efficiency by staying current with AI trends.
o	Participate in what could be the third industrial revolution, potentially changing the course of your life.

How to Gain Experience in AI?
o	Training Programs: Join practical AI development programs like bootcamps.
o	Volunteering: Get involved in AI-related projects.
o	Research Internships: Acquire industrial experience by working on AI projects.
o	Online Courses: Enhance your programming language skills through AI-focused online courses.
o	Networking and Mentorship: Connect with professionals in the field and develop soft skills.
o	Study Groups: Collaborate with peers to deepen your understanding of AI concepts.
o	Conduct Research: Initiate your AI project to gain hands-on experience.
o	Hackathons and AI-related Events: Participate in these to challenge and expand your AI skills.

If you're interested in a career in AI, here are some potential job roles to consider:
o	AI Engineer: Develop AI models from scratch and communicate results to stakeholders.
o	Machine Learning Engineer: Create, manage, and maintain machine learning software applications.
o	Data Scientist: Collect, analyse, and interpret data to derive insights.
o	Software Engineer: Design programs that utilise AI tools.
o	Robotics Engineer: Build and test robots or robotic systems.
o	Data Engineer: Develop systems for data collection and communication within businesses.
o	Research Scientist: Specialise in applied mathematics, machine learning, deep learning, and computational statistics.
o	Big Data Analyst: Identify patterns in data to make predictions about the future.
o	Researcher: Work on computer science and AI research projects to advance AI technology.

In a world increasingly shaped by AI, embarking on a journey in this field can lead to an exciting and impactful career. Whether you're passionate about developing AI models or using data to derive insights, there's a role for you in the world of artificial intelligence. So, why not explore the possibilities and start your AI adventure today?

By Sanchusri Kavitha Babu

Liked by: 5

KCL Tech’s TechSummit 2023

Hi everyone!

It was wonderful to see so many of you join us for TechSummit on October 7, 2023. We had the privilege of connecting with over 15 tech companies, attending five insightful panels, and listening to more than 20 speakers.

Let's dive into a concise summary of each panel and the advice they had to offer for your career journey.

Student Leader Panel:
This panel explored the dynamics of student leadership, highlighting the satisfaction of watching members grow and engage with their respective societies. They also discussed the challenges, including team members not meeting their responsibilities.

-	"Be comfortable with being uncomfortable."
-	"Have a management style where team members trust you.”
-	"Remember that we're all learning as we go."
-	"Small wins lead to big victories."

AI Panel:
The AI panel examined the advantages and disadvantages of AI in our daily lives. It raised questions about the balance between relying on AI tools like ChatGPT and self-learning. The emphasis was on adapting to the ever-evolving AI landscape and promoting responsible AI use.

-	"Stay adaptable; AI is constantly changing."
-	"Start by building a project using an open API."
-	"Believe in yourself and gain practical experience."

Academia Panel:
This panel explored various career paths within academia, from research-intensive roles to teaching. It emphasised the importance of choosing a topic you're passionate about and dealing with challenges in the field. Sabbaticals and the King's Undergraduate Research Fellowship (KURF) were also discussed.

-	"Explore KURF for a taste of academia in your field."
-	"Pursue academia only in areas that truly captivate you."
-	"Prepare for rejection; seek support from your network."
-	"Connect with individuals who have completed a PhD."

Cybersecurity Panel:
The panel addressed the role of human error as the weakest link in cybersecurity. It stressed the importance of proactive security measures, such as using Git for project development and maintaining high-quality security practices.

-	"Begin with a Git project, like creating a web app with React."
-	"Show initiative by building multiple projects and prioritising security."
-	"Constantly quality-test your code."

Crypto Panel:
This panel covered topics related to cryptocurrency, including blockchain and Bitcoin. The key advice was to conduct thorough research and stay informed about crypto concepts.

-	"DYOR (Do Your Own Research)."
-	"Stay curious, engage in research, and keep up with crypto news."

Future of Tech Panel:
Focused on entering the tech industry and its future growth. It highlighted the opportunities for growth in start-ups and the importance of being curious, creative, and building a network.

-	"Pursue side projects to showcase your entrepreneurial spirit."
-	"Stay open-minded about your career path."

I hope you find this summary helpful as you embark on your career journey. Thank you for being part of KCL TechSummit 2023! Until next time :)

Useful Links:
o	KCL Tech – TechSummit 2023: 
o	Write your own blog:

By Ashwina Kalanathan
(Blog Manager)

Liked by: 3


Welcome to the academic year of 2023 – 2024! We are thrilled to start this exciting journey with KCL Tech, and everything will be thoroughly documented right here on our blogs. :)

To kick off the new year, let me introduce you to our incredible committee and give you a sneak peek of what's to come in our upcoming blogs. Stay tuned, as we've got some specialism heads lined up to share their expertise, and we will also reveal how you can contribute by writing your own blogs for our website!

Exciting Events:

Now, the moment you've been waiting for - our fantastic lineup of unique and fun events for the upcoming academic year! Take a look at the checklist below to see which events pique your interest. As we get closer to the academic year's start, we will provide a detailed timeline of all the events, and add more events!

?	Techference
?	TechSummit
?	HackLondon
?	UnkonownHack
?	Python Bootcamp
?	Web Bootcamp
?	Java Bootcamp
?	HackTheLion
?	HackKing’s
?	FirstYearHack

Upcoming Blogs:

Our blogs are designed to keep you engaged and informed throughout the year. Here's what you can expect:

o	Monthly Roundups of Tech in the Real World: Stay updated with the latest tech trends, innovations, and breakthroughs in the industry.
o	Documentation of our KCL Tech Society Events: Relive the excitement of our events through captivating write-ups and visuals.
o	Special Blogs by Our Specialism Heads: Our experts will share insights into their respective areas of expertise, offering valuable knowledge.
o	Tech Insight and Internship Opportunities: We will provide you with information about exciting tech opportunities and how to apply for them.
o	Guest Blogs by YOU: Yes, you read that right! You have a chance to be featured on our blog. Share your thoughts, experiences, and expertise with the tech community. Submit your blog at:

Meet Our Committee:

Finally, let me take a moment to introduce you to the dedicated individuals who form our committee. Get ready to meet them in person at our upcoming events! (I’ve attached their lovely faces below ?)

We can't wait to see what this academic year holds for KCL Tech! Until next time! :)

By Ashwina Kalanathan
(Blog Manager)

Liked by: 9

Welcome to the absurd and hilarious world of ChatGPT, the AI writing and coding assistant that's here to turn your mundane tasks into a side-splitting good time.

So, what exactly is ChatGPT, you ask? It's a highly advanced, state-of-the-art artificial intelligence program that can generate seemingly coherent and (sometimes) humorous text based on a given prompt. It's like having your own personal robot stand-up comedian, except instead of telling jokes, it can have deep conversations and create social media posts.

But ChatGPT isn't just your average AI writing assistant – it's also a coding wizard. Need some help with your latest software project? Simply input a prompt like "Generate code for a basic login system" and ChatGPT will shoot out something like this:
import random
import string
def generate_password(length):
password_characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
password = ''.join(random.choice(password_characters) for i in range(length))
return password

def login():
username = input("Enter your username: ")
password = input("Enter your password: ")
if username == "admin" and password == "password":
print("Welcome, admin!")
print("Invalid username or password. Try again.")


Pretty impressive, right? And the best part is, ChatGPT can generate code for any programming language you can think of – Python, Java, C++, you name it. It's like having your own personal coding genie at your fingertips. It’s interesting to note that ChatGPT isn't just limited to coding – it can also generate some hilarious and absurd text based on any prompt you give it. 

For example, if you input the prompt "Give me 5 creative ideas for a 10-year-old’s birthday" you might end up with something like this:
"Sure! Here are five creative ideas for a 10 year old's birthday:
1. Set up a mini-escape room in your home. You can use household items to create puzzles and challenges that the birthday child and their friends have to solve in order to "escape" the room.
2. Have a science-themed party. Set up a few simple science experiments that the kids can participate in, and have a mini science fair to display their projects.
3. Organize a sports tournament. This could be anything from a soccer tournament to a backyard Olympics.
4. Have a movie night with a twist. Set up a makeshift outdoor movie theater in your backyard, and show a classic film with a twist - like a musical or a film with an alternate ending.
5. Plan a day at the beach. Pack a lunch and spend the day building sandcastles, playing beach games, and swimming in the ocean.”

As with any new technology, the introduction of ChatGPT and other AI writing and coding assistants will inevitably have an impact on the job market. But don't panic just yet – ChatGPT isn't here to take over the world and leave us all unemployed and sitting at home with nothing to do but binge Netflix (although that does sound like a pretty tempting offer).

Instead, ChatGPT and other AI assistants are here to help us, not replace us. They can free up time and resources for human workers by automating tasks that are tedious, repetitive, or time-consuming, allowing us to focus on more important and meaningful work. And who wouldn't want to have their own personal robot assistant to handle all those pesky admin tasks?

However, it's not just about making our lives easier – the use of ChatGPT and other AI assistants could also lead to the creation of new jobs in fields such as AI development, data analysis, and machine learning. Imagine being able to say "I'm an AI developer" at a party and watch as people's eyes light up with intrigue (or fear, depending on their level of tech-savviness).

Of course, there is always the risk that the use of these technologies could lead to the automation of certain jobs, potentially leading to job loss for human workers. But don't worry – ChatGPT and other AI assistants are here to make our lives better, not worse. They may take over some of the more mundane tasks, but they're also going to free up our time and allow us to focus on more important things (like figuring out what the heck TikTok is all about).

So don't be afraid of ChatGPT and other AI assistants – embrace them as your new robot overlords (just kidding). They're here to make our lives easier, not harder, and they might just open up some exciting new opportunities for us along the way.
In conclusion, ChatGPT is the ultimate AI writing and coding assistant that will revolutionize the way we create content and solve problems. So go ahead and give it a try – you might be surprised at what ChatGPT can do. Just don't let it take over the world (or your job) – we still need humans around to keep things interesting.

To try it out for yourself, head over to, create an account, and go wild. Happy ChatGPT-ing!

Liked by: 2

The re-launch of HackKing's after the pandemic.

200 students across King’s attended a 14-hour long hackathon, at the end of last month, with the aim of creating innovative solutions and designs exploring how technology can contribute to a better future.

Suliman Sattar, MSci Computer Science and President of KCL Tech, said:

“For those unaware, a hackathon is a 12-24 hour long invention marathon. Participants work in teams, or on their own, to create awesome products from scratch, learn new skills and have some fun along the way! People from all backgrounds and education are welcome, and learning the requisite skills is half the fun.”

Working in teams of five for 12 hours, participants had the option to choose either a technical challenge, creating a new product from scratch, or a non-technical challenge pitching a technology-based solution to improving student life. The event was sponsored by Blackrock, who tasked those in the technical challenge category to create a product that could take advantage of the changing technological landscape to contribute to a better future.

The winning team for the technical challenge was 'Team25k', which included Kenza Amira, Selvan Kumar, Yu-Hsun Wang, Liu Hsiao Ching, and Yingming Luo from the Department of Informatics. They created a real-time hand gesture recognition application for healthcare workers, so that they can interact with devices without having to remove protective equipment. Each team member won a Nintendo Switch and Mario Party Superstars game.

For the non-technical challenge, the winning team 'WeeKan' included Lile Zhang Zhuo, Mateia Curigut, Jieun Lee, Emanuele Croci, and Ved Kaura from the Departments of Engineering, Informatics and Mathematics. They created an idea for a social media app that connects students with similar goals and interests to help them attend events together. They each won £20 gift cards.

During the day participants also had the opportunity to attend a workshop on Application Programming Interfaces or APIs, which could be incorporated into the technical challenge. There was also a mini-career fair with information on different roles and how to upskill to get the best chances of landing a job in tech. A range of snacks and drinks were on offer for free to all participants as well as lunch and dinner to keep energy levels high.

At the end of the day, the top three teams for each challenge were invited to pitch their work for two to three minutes each to see who would take the grand prize.

“Congratulations to all those who took part in HackKing’s 2022. The range of innovative ideas participants came up with, as well as everyone’s passion to find ways to use tech for good, was a truly uplifting experience.”

The competition enabled students to develop a range of skills from teamwork to time management, to developing an entrepreneurial mindset in a short time.

Team WeeKan said:

“HackKing’s has been a rewarding and fulfilling experience that taught us how to cooperate with new team members, brainstorm ideas in a group environment, and develop a practical solution to improve student experience.

“Overall, the Hackathon was an excellent opportunity to connect with like-minded people and broadened our perspective about the Tech field.”

HackKing’s was just the first of this year’s KCL Tech hackathons with more in the pipeline for later in the year.

Liked by: 2

About Us

King's College London Tech Society (KCL Tech) is back for academic year 2022. Prior to the pandemic we were one of the largest student societies at King's and tech societies in London, having approximately 2000 society members, and were the main organizer of HackKing's and co-organizer of HackLondon – two of the biggest student hackathons in London.

Apart from hackathons, KCL Tech also organizes weekly workshops, company meetups both on and off campus, as well as social and networking events. This year we have recruited specialists for a range of fields including Software, Media, FinTech, Data Science, Sciences, and HealthTech, each hosting workshops and careers events based on their field. More specialists will be recruited later this year to cover other fields such as AI, Hardware, Engineering, Cyber Security, Business, Law, Gaming and Mathematics, bringing students from all departments in the college to relate tech to their fields.

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