Bush House, London - Saturday, 7th October 2023

KCL's first overnight hackathon in 5+ years
Bush House, London - 9th/10th March 2024

200 Students | 12+ Hours | Amazing Prizes | Free Food
Our signature King's only hackathon - Coming soon...

+ lots more

Techference | FirstYearHack | HacktheLion
Bootcamps | Workshops | Weekly Events

KCL Tech is King’s College London’s dedicated Technology society, bringing together students with different skill sets from various disciplines to create an innovative and supportive community, sharing passions from AI to IoT.

Relaunched in 2022, the society has quickly built up a reputation for having exciting events from hosting TechSummit - the UK’s biggest student entrepreneur career fair, to running multiple hackathons (e.g. HackKing’s, FirstYearHack) as well as providing weekly workshops and talks with industry. What’s more, all of our events are free.

Each week sees one of our specialism heads (representing AI, Blockchain, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Engineering, Media, Gaming, FinTech, HealthTech, and more) take over the society to promote their area of tech through events and media.

The society has quickly become the go to place for connecting with students interested in tech, with multiple opportunities shared through us each week, and now with the launch of our Opportunity Board, students know our website is the first place to look. Contact us at

Who are we?

Students from King's College London, coming from a range of backgrounds, passionate about all areas of technology from AI to IoT.

What do we do?

We connect students and industry, organise events and workshops to develop skills and expertise relevant to current tech trends.

How to join?

Any KCL Student can become a member for free here. Stay Connected by following our Social Media and signing up to our Newsletter.




Engagement Reach


Non-Informatics Students

Upcoming Events

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Liked by: 3

Hi everyone

Last Wednesday, KCL Tech hosted their much-anticipated First Year Hack (FYH) for first-year students.

The day kicked off with an engaging introduction from KCL Tech and Enactus, where project ideas were presented to the teams. Once projects were selected, teams dived into action, either coding applications or creating proof-of-concept representations in Figma. 

With a ready supply of snacks and delicious pizza for lunch, the atmosphere remained supportive throughout, with plenty of questions being asked. 

In the afternoon, Preface delivered a presentation on pitching skills, well-received by all. Three teams bravely stepped up to do live pitches at the end of the day, leading to the announcement of a winning team.

A huge thank you to everyone who participated! We hope you had an amazing time. Special congratulations to the winning team!

Stay tuned for more exciting collaborations and events!

Until next time :)

Ashwina Kalanathan
(Blog Manager)

Liked by: 17

Hi everyone! 

I'm excited to share with you a fantastic event that took place last Wednesday, where KCL Tech, alongside other societies, had the privilege of showcasing hands-on demonstrations to 50 sixth form and college students.

Partnering with RIE and the team lead, Jun (Dimitri) Zhang, who organised the SGL project featuring an AI robot, we had the opportunity to present this innovative project to the students. 

During the event, students were able to control the robot, causing it to move and even shoot a bullet at a target we set up. It was truly remarkable to see the students engage with the demonstration, employing tactics to aim the bullet perfectly at the bullseye. 

The enthusiasm displayed by the students was inspiring, with many expressing interest in pursuing computing or engineering for their future endeavors. It was incredibly rewarding to witness the impact we were able to make through this event. 

A special thank you goes out to our dedicated KCL Tech stall holders: Dimitri, Minseok Ryu, and Neel Nair. I personally had the pleasure of learning from their expertise, and I'm grateful for their contributions to making this event a success. I also want to extend my gratitude to everyone who worked on the AI robot. Their hard work and dedication were instrumental in the success of this event. 

Looking forward to more impactful events in the future! 

Until next time :)

Ashwina Kalanathan
(Blog Manager)

Liked by: 45

Latest Opportunities

Join us and turn your business idea into the next global venture!

Block Dojo empowers game-changing founders globally by providing them the tools, network and capital to build and scale impactful ventures. 

We’re excited to open applications for our next cohort starting in September 2024, and are looking for ambitious founders with an idea-stage or pre-revenue startup in the Web3 space that has an innovative solution to a real-world problem.

Whether in the finance, healthcare, entertainment or legal sector, Block Dojo is interested to hear from any company leveraging cutting-edge solutions to problems. We give our founders the educational grounding in enterprise blockchain to help them build their impactful startups from an idea to securing their first Pre-Seed cheques from Angel Investors and early-stage funds. 

Our 12-week programme will help you develop your value proposition, define a killer brand, and build a product that wows. Through a packed programme of regular training sessions, workshops, mentoring, guest speakers, socials and events, we help our startups build a community as well as their business.

Founders chosen to participate in our venture builder programme will: 
• Attend in-person, full-time at our office in East London (Stratford/Hackney) from Monday to Thursday over 12 weeks;
• Participate in and complete our weekly development curriculum face-to-face;
• Network and connect with a range of mentors, advisors, and industry experts to develop their entrepreneurial skills;
• Work closely with our dev & design teams to bring business ideas to life, from inception to prototypes;
• Connect with development partners, early clients, and potential customers to build their products/service offering;
• Gain invaluable guidance from mentors and advisors with years of experience in the founder’s industry;
• Build a community of entrepreneurs, advisors, mentors, investors, experts and more to support the business after the programme;
• Pitch their startup at investor lunches, dinners and the final investor showcase;
• Join our respected community of game-changing founders!

The Deal:
• £10k investment from Block Dojo
• Partner credits with a total value of ~£175k
• Match-make with our community of 200+ mentors to find YOU the best support for your rockstar idea
• Weekly workshops, classes, guest speakers, socials and events to grow your business and community
• In-house design support, financial modelling, blockchain building and more to make you pitch-ready
• Access to our network of Angels, VCs, Family Offices and Investors

Don’t miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime - Apply now to fast-track your startup journey, get the support you need to build a community, and make a difference!

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